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#TopOfPage Appendix " hideimgleft=""}% * Glossary of Staining Techniques * Other thing of interest?!? Begin Topic Comments * How about the cavernous s...
#TopOfPage Medical Histology Atlas Index #ListStart A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A A Cell AAF (Acid Aniline Fuchsin) Accessory Glands Aci...
#TopOfPage Introduction to The Medical Histology Atlas " hideimgleft=""}% Objectives and Format Welcome to the Pennsylvania State University College of Medicin...
* Histology Atlas:* " hideimgleft=""}% * Contents * Introduction 1 Epithelium 1 Connective Tissue 1 Muscle 1 Nervous Tissue 1 Cardiovascular...
#TopOfPage Chapter Ten: Peripheral Blood and Bone Marrow " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction Blood is one of the primary means by which various parts of the body ar...
#TopOfPage Chapter Five: Cardiovascular System " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction The cardiovascular system is composed of a pump, the heart, the arterial and veno...
#TopOfPage Chapter Eight: Cartilage and Bone " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction In both structure and function, cartilage and bone are closely related. Most of the...
#TopOfPage Chapter Two: Connective Tissue " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction This class of primary tissue is very appropriately named because it connects or binds ...
#TopOfPage Chapter Fourteen: Endocrine Organs " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction The endocrine organs are ductless glands that release their secretory products (ho...
#TopOfPage Chapter One: Epithelium " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction There are four basic types of tissue in the body: 1) epithelial, 2) connective, 3) nervous, a...
#TopOfPage Chapter Twelve: Esophagus and Gastrointestinal Tract " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction Prior to learning the microarchitecture of Esophagus and Gastroi...
#TopOfPage Chapter Sixteen: Female Reproductive System " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction The female reproductive system consists of the paired gonads, the ovaries...
#TopOfPage Chapter Seven: Lymphatic System " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction Lymphatic tissue is found in five principal locations: 1) the mucosal lamina propria ...
#TopOfPage Chapter Fifteen: Male Reproductive System " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction The male reproductive system is responsible for: 1) production, maturation,...
#TopOfPage Chapter Three: Muscle " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction Contractility is a fundamental property of cells and virtually all cells have this ability to s...
#TopOfPage Chapter Four: Nervous Tissue " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction Cell types that are unique to nervous tissues can be classified into 3 major groups: neu...
#TopOfPage Chapter Eleven: Oral Cavity and Salivary Glands " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction Prior to learning the microarchitecture of the Oral Cavity and Saliva...
#TopOfPage Chapter Thirteen: Pancreas, Liver, and Gall Bladder " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction Prior to learning the microarchitecture of the GI Accessory Organ...
#TopOfPage Chapter Nine: Respiratory System " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction In studying the microscopic anatomy of the respiratory system keep in mind that insp...
#TopOfPage Chapter Six: Skin Appendages and Sensory Receptors " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction Skin is the organ (a group of different types of tissues) that cov...
#BeginTopic Chapter Seventeen: The Urinary System " hideimgleft=""}% Introduction The series of organs in this system function to produce, store, and eliminate ...
Laboratory Atlas for the Study of Medical Histology The Program on Education in Human Structure and The College of Medicine at The Pennsylvania State University...
%IF{ "istopic '.Default'" then="$percentINCLUDE{$quot.Default$quot}$percent" else="$percentINCLUDE{$quot.Default$quot}$percent" }% Mar 2025 ...
Number of topics: 23
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